Email : asiupjas@gmail.com

Journal of
Anatomical Sciences
(U.P. Chapter of Anatomical Society of India)
Published since 1979

ISSN : 0970 - 1842 (Print)
Published Biannually (June - Dec)
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
I am pleased to welcome you to the Journal of Anatomical Sciences which serves as the official mouthpiece of the U.P. Chapter of the Anatomical Society of India.
Since its inaugural issue launched in September 1979, the Journal of Anatomical Sciences continues to serve as an avenue for the promotion of the academic aspects of anatomy by providing a forum for the exchange of new findings, techniques and opinions between researchers and academicians across the world.
The range of Anatomy as a subject has widened by leaps and bounds in the recent past which is exemplified by the diversity of research being conducted in the fields of Histochemistry, Cytogenetics, Neuroanatomy, Radiological and Clinical Anatomy. Our journal continues to play an important role in the progress of anatomical studies and research by encouraging communications in these newer fields in addition to the fields of Gross and Comparative Anatomy, Histology and Embryology.
The Journal of Anatomical Sciences is published bi-annually with the manuscripts undergoing a double-blinded peer-review process and evaluation by the editors. Authors are encouraged to submit original research articles, review articles, case reports, book reviews and letters to the editor. The journal provides an unlimited free access to its contents and is available in both print and online versions. We are indexed in Index Copernicus International, Scopemed, Index Scholar, Google Scholar and Indian Science Abstract and are in the process of being indexed in more such reputed agencies.
As the editor-in chief of this reputed journal, my goal is to ensure that the Journal of Anatomical Sciences continues to adapt to the rapidly changing scientific communication landscape, while maintaining the high standards of scientific and academic research publication. For this, I take the opportunity to thank the esteemed board of sectional editors and very highly reputed members of the national and international advisory boards. I hope that the journal will be eagerly followed by authors and readers alike and look forward to receiving insightful and stimulating submissions from researchers and academicians from around the world.
Dr. Satyam Khare