Email : asiupjas@gmail.com

Journal of
Anatomical Sciences
(U.P. Chapter of Anatomical Society of India)
Published since 1979

ISSN : 0970 - 1842 (Print)
Published Biannually (June - Dec)
Licensing Policy
The Journal of Anatomical Sciences adopts a licensing policy aligned with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY). Under this license, all published content is accessible and shareable, allowing readers to adapt and distribute the work, even for commercial purposes, while acknowledging the original author. Authors, by submitting manuscripts, grant permission for this licensing arrangement.
The Journal of Anatomical Sciences is committed to fostering open access, facilitating scholarly communication, and advancing anatomical knowledge globally. We encourage authors, researchers, and educators to utilize and build upon the published material responsibly.
While encouraging the dissemination of knowledge, we permit authors to post their manuscripts and published articles in third-party repositories. This supports wider visibility and accessibility. Authors are encouraged to include proper attribution and a link to the original publication.
The Journal of Anatomical Sciences is a Full Open Access journal following the principles set out in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (2003).
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