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2022, Volume 30, Issue 2

Original Article

The magic of learning by doing in anatomy

Shweta Singh, Abeer Zubair Khan, Sushobhana, Pratibha Dwivedi, Dewanshi Mishra

Pages: 86-91


Introduction: There are various teaching and learning methods like lectures, demonstration, practicals etc. employed for teaching MBBS students. As the famous quote by Benjamin Franklin goes- “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn” we wanted to determine the effectiveness of students’ involvement in Teaching Learning Method (TLM).

Materials and Methods: Two cohorts of 1st year MBBS students, 2020-21 Batch and 2022-23 Batch were taught the same topic by the same teacher but by different methods. The Batch of 2020-21 were taught the topic of General Anatomy of Nervous System by lecture alone while batch 2022-23 were taught the same topic bythe same teacher with the help of lecture as well as activity based small group learning. The question framed on the topic was asked in the Part Completion Test of both the Batches. The answers were then marked by three different evaluators based on clarity in the understanding of the topic and the diagram drawn by the students of both the batches. The p-values of the marks obtained were compared for both the batches based on the marks allotted by all the three evaluators.

Results: The p-value obtained by independent T Test was significant in case of all the three evaluators thus proving that activity-based teaching in Anatomy when added to lecture-based teaching has a greater understanding among students as compared to lecture-based teaching alone.

Conclusions: As the new curriculum lays emphasis on student centric approach and application- based teaching for achieving a higher level of learning based on the Millers pyramid, the activity based TLM could be of great help in attaining the desired result.

Keywords:Small group teaching, Student activity, Student involvement

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