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Journal of
Anatomical Sciences
(U.P. Chapter of Anatomical Society of India)
Published since 1979

ISSN : 0970 - 1842 (Print)
Published Biannually (June - Dec)
2022, Volume 30, Issue 1
Review Article
Effect of cervical compensatory curves on malocclusion
Junaid Khan, Pradeep Raghav, Shalu Jain, Munish Reddy, Nupur Sharma
Pages: 25-33
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and correlate effect of cervical spine curves on the development of class II and class III malocclusion via a comprehensive review of the available literature from previous studies.
Materials and Methods: A literature overview was carried out by searching PubMed and Google scholar to analyze the association between “malocclusion” versus “head posture” using MESH keywords. Out of 86 articles, 56 articles were selected for the review. Articles related to gross craniofacial deformities were excluded from the study.
Results: Craniocervical posture and facial development according to the literature review seems to be triggered by a large craniocervical angle correlates with a tendency towards posterior rotation of the mandible. Patients with a small craniocervical angle have a smaller lower facial height. A craniocervical angle greater than 113° was primarily associated with vertical facial development having class II malocclusion, whereas an angle less than 79° is characteristic of a horizontal, forward-directed facial growth pattern, having a tendency towards class III malocclusion.
Conclusions: The correlation between Angle Class II, having long face syndrome were associated with increased lordosis of the cervical spine. Tendency towards a kyphotic position of neck was associated with Angle Class III patients. Hence there is a significant effect of neck posture on malocclusion.
Keywords: Cervical compensatory curves, Malocclusion, Craniocervical angle, Head posture