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Journal of
Anatomical Sciences
(U.P. Chapter of Anatomical Society of India)
Published since 1979
ISSN : 0970 - 1842 (Print)
Published Biannually (June - Dec)
2021, Volume 29, Issue 2
Original Article
Comprehensive study of anatomical variations of renal artery on human cadavers with its clinical significance
Satyam Khare, Shilpi Jain, Alok Tripathi, Ishi Jain, Shobhit Raizaday, Hina Kausar, Pooja Dawani, Ram Kumar Kaushik
Pages: 58-62
Introduction: Renal artery is a paired branch of abdominal aorta at level of L1-L2. It divides into anterior and posterior branches. In maximum number of people this division into anterior and posterior branches takes place near the hilum but variation can be seen. Variations of renal artery is common and have different names such as supernumerary, accessory or aberrant. It is important for surgeons to have knowledge about such variations.
Materials and methods: In the Department of Anatomy, Subharti Medical College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India 60 human adult cadavers were dissected and 120 kidneys along with their arteries were studied and observed for variations.
Results: Out of 120 specimens, supernumerary renal arteries were seen in 25 right kidney and 24 left kidneys. Out of 25 right supernumerary renal arteries 16 are of aortic origin and 9 are of renal origin. While in 24 left supernumerary renal arteries 14 are of aortic origin and 10 are of renal origin.
Conclusions: Elaborate knowledge of course along with variations in course of renal artery is of prime importance for any general surgeon, urologists, transplant surgeon or radiologist.
Keywords: Renal artery, Supernumerary, Abdominal aorta